April medical school entry applications - the slow point of the annual cycle


Corona Virus GAMSAT changes

The GAMSAT exam planned for 21 March will now take place at the end of May. Candidates can sit the online exam either at home or at your chosen location.You will need to update your registration details with the portal opening on 30 March and this closes on 9 April 2020.

March offers

By late March, Flinders are in a position to make offers to Indigenous applicants.

April deadlines

Early round applications for international students wanting to apply for Deakin medicine close on 9th April.

April Interviews

The only interviews taking place in April are Deakin early round interviews for international students.

What Next and where to from here?


1. Find out more information about your options

Questions such as how do I increase my chances to get into medical school, what it’s like to be a medical student, Plan B options if you don’t get into medical school etc. are explored in the FAQ and the AMA section.

This section also links to the AMA (Australian Medical Association) where you can find further information about a career in medicine.

2. Sign Up for the Mailing List (there’s no charge)

Joining the Study Medicine Mailing List will enable you to be notified when new information is posted on Study Medicine.




Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university or admissions centre only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university or admissions centre before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand significant admissions deadlines. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the university and relevant admissions centre.