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Study Medicine
PO Box 2231
North Caulfield, 3161
Victoria, Australia
Study Medicine
PO Box 2231
North Caulfield, 3161
Victoria, Australia
Study Medicine enables you to identify and compare all the available Australian university degrees to becoming a doctor. Study Medicine provides comprehensive information, put together in an easy to understand way, about 59 Australian university degrees – direct entry medical degrees and degrees that lead to undergraduate or postgraduate medicine. Study Medicine information helps prospective medical students secure a place in a medical degree at an Australian university. Comprehensive information is provided about each degree - including high school prerequisite subjects, ATAR scores, how invitations for interview are determined, descriptions of the selection criteria used and relative weightings for the offer of a place, numbers of places available as well as other additional aspects. The particular and unique characteristics of each university’s medical selection approach are detailed. The University Comparitor enables you to systematically compare different degrees across all Australian universities with a medical program. You can also compare specific aspects within each degree – such as the different selection criteria and weightings used by each university to select medical students. Study Medicine enables you to identify the most appropriate university and most appropriate degree to suit your own circumstances and abilities.
Study Medicine assists high school students, university students, parents and career counsellors identify, plan and prepare; optimising your likelihood of success in gaining a place in an Australian university medical degree.