End September - a critical time for undergraduate applications for medicine.


Rolling graduate interviews and offers

Macquarie commenced interviews in May for international students (undertaken on Skype or similar platforms) and these continue until October. USYD start making domestic offers from 25th August and these can continue until January 2021.

August interviews

Monash interview North American (including Canadian) applicants for both graduate and undergraduate medicine entry commencing at the end of August and these continue until the 8th September.

Deakin by August have progressed to late round graduate applicant interviews and these interviews continue until November.

Flinders advise applicants of interview offers in mid to late August. Information provided by Flinders is slightly inconsistent in terms of whether these offer dates extend or not through to late August.

August offers

Monash issue offers to direct (undergraduate) entry international applicants from mid to late August.

You have to wait until late August to receive an offer if you are an international student applying for UWA undergraduate medicine.

August deadlines

The University of Melbourne require international applicants to accept their interview offer by late August.

The only undergraduate medicine program deadline in August is James Cook’s deadline of the 31st. If you are an international applicant, you need to have submitted your written application by this date and James Cook should have also received your Prediction of Academic Achievement Sheet by this time as well.


GAMSAT takes place between 28th September and 11th October.

September interviews

The interview pace quickens to a full frenzy in September with graduate interviews being undertaken across the GEMSAS universities (being ANU, Deakin, Griffith, Macquarie, University of Melbourne, University of Notre Dame, University of Queensland, University of Western Australia and the University of Wollongong).

Monash (not part of GEMSAS) also commence their graduate interviews in September. Flinders (also not part of GEMSAS) undertake Parallel Rural Community Curriculum (PRCC) interviews on 18th and 19th September.

University of Adelaide let undergraduate applicants know if they have been successful in gaining an interview spot on 10th September. Their undergraduate interviews commence late September and continue until early October.

September offers

By mid September USYD are able to commence offering places with first round offers to international applicants. By late September Monash are in a position to commence making offers to international applicants from Malaysia, Singapore and other areas in Asia applying for either undergraduate and postgraduate entry.

Bond notify Doctor of Physiotherapy applicants of their success by 14th September. This degree provides international students to opportunity to apply for Bond’s medicine degree by giving prospective medicine applicants sufficient time to apply for permanent residency (required to apply for Bond medicine).

The long wait for UCAT

The results from UCAT examinations will be released directly to universities by the UCAT ANZ Consortium in early September. Students will receive an email from Pearson VUE that will provide instructions as to how to access your personal account to obtain your score report.

Critical September closing dates

UTAS have 3rd September as their round 2 closing date for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery for international applicants. By the 7th September the Joint Medicine Program at University of Newcastle/University of New England require international students to have submitted their application. This same date applies to international students wishing to apply for 2nd October UQ interviews.

If you are looking to apply for ANU medicine through an ANU undergraduate degree, you have until 7th September to accept your offer and pay your accommodation fee.

Domestic applicants have until mid September to accept interview offers from the University of Melbourne. University of Sydney double degree applicants need to submit their E12 application by 20th September and UWA close their undergraduate domestic applications in late September.

The most critical date on the undergrad calendar is 30th September with this being the closing date for applications/early bird /timely applications for medicine. Make sure you are aware of what you need to do to complete your applications for your chosen universities. Also, and most critically, check whether you need to

  • apply to just the Admission Centre (ie UAC, VTAC, QTAC, SATAC or TISC) or

  • whether you apply directly to the university, or

  • whether you need to apply to both the Admission Centre and the university

Also check what documentation you need to submit and determine whether application fees also need to be paid. More details about the process can be found in the 10 Step Application Guide.

The 30th September date is also the deadline for international graduate applications for Deakin.


What Next and where to from here?

There’s a few things you can do if you would like more information:

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late August and September 2020

Click the image to access this information. Join up as a member under one of these plans- basic information package,- comprehensive information package, or- professional/school information package

Click the image to access this information. Join up as a member under one of these plans

- basic information package,

- comprehensive information package, or

- professional/school information package

  1. Access the detailed Deadline Listing

    Compiled from over 70 separate webpage sources the monthly Deadline Listing is a consolidated list of pertinent information about the medical school application cycle - deadlines, when interviews take place, significant events etc. This Listing is colour coded (interviews coded green, deadlines red, significant events starred and offers in orange) for easy identification of key information.

    The detailed monthly Deadline Listing can be accessed by joining one of the Study Medicine membership plans (Basic,Comprehensive or Schools/Profession Package) using the Sign Up button below.


2. Find out more information about your options

Questions such as how do I increase my chances to get into medical school, what it’s like to be a medical student, Plan B options if you don’t get into medical school etc. are explored in the FAQ and the AMA section.

This section also links to the AMA (Australian Medical Association) where you can find further information about a career in medicine.

3. Sign Up for the Mailing List (there’s no charge)

Joining the Study Medicine Mailing List will enable you to be notified when there are updates including when new Deadline information is added.




Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university or admissions centre only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university or admissions centre before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand significant admissions deadlines. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the university and relevant admissions centre.