End September 2021 - a critical time for undergraduate applications for medicine.


August interviews

Flinders advise applicants of interview offers in mid to late August. The University of Melbourne also advise international applicants of their interview offers during this time.

August deadlines

The University of Queensland require applicants to submit their applications by 27th August in order to be considered for end September interviews.

The only undergraduate medicine program deadline in August is James Cook’s deadline of the 31st. If you are an international applicant, you need to have submitted your written application by this date and James Cook should have also received your Prediction of Academic Achievement Sheet by this time as well.

Deakin close their international applications at the end of August.

September interviews

The interview pace quickens to a full frenzy in September and October with graduate interviews being undertaken across the GEMSAS universities (being ANU, Deakin, Griffith, Macquarie, University of Melbourne, University of Notre Dame, University of Queensland, University of Western Australia and the University of Wollongong).

Advice about interviews will be released by GEMSAS in early September. The University of Melbourne also advises international applicants of their success in receiving an interview offer at this time. Domestic interview offers and onshore international interview allocations are then released in late September.

The University of Adelaide let international undergraduate applicants know if they have been successful in gaining an interview spot on 9th September. Their undergraduate interviews commence late September and continue until early October.

Interviews undertaken by the University of Melbourne for offshore international and domestic rural pathway applicants take place during the week of the 13th September

Charles Darwin and Flinders undertake their interviews between 20th September and 1st October, with Northern Territory interviews held between 21 - 23 September. Griffith interviews take place on 22nd and Macquarie interview domestic applicants on the 25th.

Monash (not part of GEMSAS) also commence their graduate international interviews, Dean's Rural List and End to end cohort in late September.

September offers

Bond notify Doctor of Physiotherapy applicants of their success by 20th September. This degree provides students the opportunity to apply for Bond’s medicine degree.

UCAT and GAMSAT testing

The last testing date for UCAT is 5th September. The GAMSAT testing window for September is from 3rd - 16th

Critical September closing dates

UTAS have 2nd September as their Round 2 closing date for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery for international applicants.

If you are looking to apply for ANU medicine through an ANU undergraduate degree, you have until 6th September to accept your offer.

By the 7th September the Joint Medicine Program at University of Newcastle/University of New England require international students to have submitted their application.

Domestic applicants have until mid September to accept interview offers from the University of Melbourne.

UWA close their undergraduate domestic applications in late September.

The most critical date on the undergrad calendar is 30th September with this being the closing date for applications/early bird /timely applications for medicine. Make sure you are aware of what you need to do to complete your applications for your chosen universities. Also, and most critically, check whether you need to

  • apply to just the Admission Centre (ie UAC, VTAC, QTAC, SATAC or TISC) or

  • whether you apply directly to the university, or

  • whether you need to apply to both the Admission Centre and the university

Also check what documentation you need to submit and determine whether application fees also need to be paid. More details about the process can be found in the 10 Step Application Guide.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late August and September 2021.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


Mid winter 2021 - a busy period, particularly for graduate and international medicine degree applicants



July is UCAT month with testing being undertaken throughout this period and concluding on 11th August.

July offers

ANU release international and Indigenous pathway offers in late July.

End July deadlines

There are a range of deadlines occurring at the end of July - and these include Indigenous and international application closures:

  • Monash applications close for Canadian and North American applicants - note this applies for both undergraduate and graduate applicants. Monash also close applications for graduate entry applications at this time.

  • ISAT Cycle 3 testing and GAMSAT late registrations also close

  • University of Sydney online confirmation page to be completed.

  • Deakin close Doctor of Medicine applications for Indigenous applicants.

  • Flinders have a range of closures including the deadline for submission of official academic transcripts showing Semester 1, 2021 results; deadline for submission of official academic transcripts for 1 year Bachelor and 1 year Honours degrees; deadline for submission of supporting documents for Rural, NT and Humanitarian visa sub-quotas.

August interviews

Interviews taking place in August all occur in mid-late August. These include Flinders advice to applicants of interview offers and University of Melbourne interview offers for international students. Monash interview North American (including Canadian) applicants for both graduate and undergraduate medicine entry during the latter part of August.

August offers

ANU’s Admissions, Scholarship and Accommodation scheme issues conditional offers to domestic undergraduates on the 9th August (i.e. if you are wanting to apply for an undergraduate degree at ANU prior to progressing to apply for ANU postgraduate medicine).

Monash make offers to offshore Monash University Foundation Year, and Malaysia, Singapore and other areas in Asia (undergraduate entry and postgraduate entry) applicants for the Clayton campus.

By 19th August, USYD are making first round offers to domestic applicants for their postgraduate medicine program.

You have to wait until late August to receive an offer if you are an international student applying for UWA assured pathway (undergraduate) medicine.

August deadlines

There are a range of deadlines all relating to postgraduate medicine programs in August. These include:

  • 1st Aug - UQ close their Indigenous applications

  • 7th August - Bond close applications for their Doctor of Physiotherapy (which is a pathway to the medicine program).

  • 13th August - Indigenous applicants for Wollongong have until this date to submit their paperwork

  • 20th August - Monash close their applications for Dean's Rural List and Rural End-to-End Cohort

  • 24th August - Griffith close their applications for international applicants

  • 27th August - You need to submit your application by this date to be considered for interviews on 30 September at the University of Queensland

  • end August - James Cook’s undergraduate medicine program deadline is the 31st. You need to have submitted your written application by this date and James Cook should have also received your Prediction of Academic Achievement Sheet by this time. Deakin also close their Doctor of Medicine applications on this date.


If you are an Australian based Year 12, Australian based Foundation Years or Monash University Foundation Year international student wanting to apply to Monash for undergraduate medicine, or an offshore applicant wanting to apply for undergraduate entry, or are from Malaysia completing an offshore Monash University Foundation Year, you have until 23rd August to sit ISAT.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late July and August 2021.



Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


July 21 - the depths of winter has many deadlines for applicants seeking medicine entry in 22



July is UCAT month with testing being undertaken throughout this period and concluding on 11 August 2021.


Registrations close for the September testing window on the 20th July, with late registrations closing on 30th July.

End June deadlines

There are a large number of deadlines taking place at the end of June, including:

  • University of Sydney, international applications close

  • Flinders, graduate applications close (includes submission of Statutory Declarations for sub-quotas)

  • University of Melbourne, international applications close

  • Monash, undergraduate and graduate applications close for Malaysia, Singapore and other areas in Asia

  • University of Adelaide, international application portal closes for Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor of Medicine

  • ANU, Indigenous and international applications close

July interviews

Monash conduct interviews for offshore Monash University Foundation Year students completing in June and Singapore, Malaysia and other areas in Asia international undergraduate applicants on 7 July.

ANU undertake international interviews in mid July and conduct Indigenous interviews over the same period.

July deadlines

There are a range of deadlines occurring in July relating to:

Admission tests -

  • CASPer - 2 July 2021 is the final date to add a school to the CASPer distribution list

  • Registrations close on 20 July 2021 for September GAMSAT testing

  • Deadline to register for ISAT Cycle 3 testing by 26 July 2021

Applications also close during July for international applicants for the University of Queensland, and Monash close applications for Canadian and North American undergraduate and graduate applicants later in the month.

A range of other deadlines occur during July including:

GEMSAS deadline to upload official transcripts from non- ARTS institutions; Flinders application processing fee payments due; University of Melbourne international applicant deadline to submit Bachelors final year Semester 1, 2021 results and GAMSAT results; University of Sydney online confirmation page information; Monash graduate applications; GAMSAT late registrations; Flinders deadline to submit official academic transcripts and deadline to submit supporting documents for Rural, NT and Humanitarian visa sub-quotas.

Deakin close applications Doctor of Medicine Indigenous applicants on 30 July 2021

July interviews

Some interviews take place in July and these are conducted by ANU for Indigenous and international applicants in mid July. Monash conduct interviews in early July for offshore Monash University Foundation Year students completing in June and undergraduate Malaysia, Singapore and other areas in Asia applicants. A second cohort of undergraduate and graduate Malaysian, Singaporean and other areas in Asia applicants are interviewed in late July.

July offers

The only offers released in July are from ANU who release international and Indigenous pathway offers later in the month.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines, Offers and Interviews for late June and July 2021.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


June is deadline month - particularly for graduate medicine applications for entry in 2022


Important tests taking place in May

If you are an international direct entry applicant you need to have sat ISAT to apply for Monash University medicine. Importantly Monash advise applicants need to have completed ISAT by 31st May if you are an offshore Monash University Foundation Year student completing in June; or are from Malaysia, Singapore, other areas in Asia, Canada or North America and are wishing to apply for undergraduate entry.

If you are applying for the University of Wollongong CASPer testing takes place on either the 30th May or 10th June.

Late May deadlines

There are a number of deadlines in late May - with this month being the time when graduates in particular need to get their applications submitted for GEMSAS applicable medicine programs.

ANU have a single combined admission, scholarships and accommodation application process. For students wanting to commence undergraduate studies at ANU as a precursor to postgraduate medicine the deadline for any supporting documents for August Round consideration is the 28th May. If you are applying for the Bachelor of Health Science at ANU you have until 24th May to list this as your application preference.

The University of Sydney QAS deadline is the 27th May and the following day applications for graduate medicine close.

Undergraduates have until the 31st May to book UCAT (late booking deadline). The ISAT Cycle 2 test period also ends on this date.

The end of May represents the deadline for applications for the assured pathway and graduate medicine at UWA for international students. The University of Melbourne also has a number of entry programs - guaranteed entry, Indigenous entry, rural and Graduate Access Melbourne all closing at the end of May.

GAMSAT results

Good luck top those receiving GAMSAT results in late May.

June deadlines

June is filled with a range of deadlines. These include:

  • 3rd June - University of Sydney supporting documents to be received by UAC. This date is also the closing date for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at UTAS.

  • 4th June - Applications close for offshore Monash University Foundation Year completing in June and Malaysia, Singapore and other areas in Asia (undergrad entry)

  • 7th June - UCAT cancellation deadline

  • 16th June - GEMSAS related documentation to be received

  • 18th June - Monash applications close for Malaysia, Singapore and other areas in Asia (undergrad and graduate entry). University of Sydney supporting documentation to be received.

  • 24th June - University of Sydney international applications close

  • 25th June - Flinders applications close and University of Melbourne international applications close

  • 30th June - University of Adelaide application deadline for the Bachelor of Medical Studies and the application portal closes for international applications. ANU close their Indigenous and international applications.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late May and June 2021.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


May marks the start of the 2022 medicine application cycle.


Important tests taking place in May

There are 3 possible test dates for the University of Wollongong CASPer test, with the first 2 taking place in May on the 12th and 30th.

If you are an international undergraduate entry applicant the ISAT Cycle 2 test period takes place between 17th and 31st May.

May deadlines

There is a plethora of deadlines in May - with this month being the time when graduates in particular, need to submit their applications for postgraduate medical schools.

The University of Queensland timely prerequisite assessment submissions are due on 1st May.

For undergraduates, the 10th May is the deadline for concession applications for UCAT, with the 17th being the deadline for access arrangements and the application deadline, and the end of May being the late booking deadline.

Monash requires international applicants from a range of countries - offshore Monash University Foundation Year completing June; Malaysia, Singapore and other areas in Asia (undergraduate entry and graduate entry); Canadian and North American (undergraduate and graduate entry) to sit ISAT by 31st May. ISAT Cycle 2 takes place from the 17th May to 31st May and registrations for this close on 10th May.

If you are wanting to progress into medicine at ANU through the Bachelor of Health Science this has an application preference deadline of the 24th May.

Note the deadline for the Qualifications Assessment Service that provides required information for applications to University of Sydney medicine, closes at midnight on the 27th May. Applications to the University of Sydney medicine close at 4 pm the next day.

The end of May represents the deadline for applications to postgraduate medicine for GEMSAS Universities (see detailed information below regarding which specific student cohorts these end of May application deadlines are applicable).

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late April and May 2021.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


April medical school applications for 2022 entry - the slow point of the annual cycle


GAMSAT arrangements

The GAMSAT testing window opened on the 17th March and will remain open until 30th March.

March offers

By late March, Flinders are in a position to make offers to Indigenous applicants.

Other notable items

A number of application portals open on 1st April - including University of New South Wales’ medicine application portal. This is timed to coincide with applications opening through UAC. University of Wollongong report GEMSAS application and portfolio submissions will open in late April - though GEMSAS is yet to announce this directly.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late March and April 2021.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


New medicine students start and prospective ones gear up to apply in 2021 for the 2022 year.


March Interviews

By this time of the medicine application cycle, the only Universities still interviewing are Bond with final interviews scheduled on the 2nd, 3rd and 5th March and Flinders, who conduct interviews for Indigenous applicants between 8th and 12th March.

March offers

Bond, being later that other medicine schools, release their Round 1 offers on the 12th March. By late March, Flinders are in a position to make offers to Indigenous applicants.

March deadlines

Applicants who have been successful in securing an offer for Bond have until 16th March to accept First Round offers.


Good luck to all prospective graduate medicine students who are sitting GAMSAT between 17th - 30th March.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late February and March 2021.



Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


The beginning of the 2021 year marks the end of the medicine application cycle


End of January Interviews

By the end of January the very tail end of interviews are taking place. These include Western Sydney interviews for interstate and domestic applicants and University of New South Wales interviews for interstate and overseas applicants.

January Offers

The 28th of January marks the provision of offers from TISC and is therefore when offers for Curtin’s medicine program are issued.

Late January deadlines

Bond, who start their medicine program later, has deadlines that are later than other medicine programs. QTAC applications (undergraduate and graduate) for Bond close on the 28th January. All required supporting documentation is required by the following day.

February interviews

The only interviews taking place in February are at Bond - who conduct their on-line psychometric testing and interviews on the 15-16th and 19th respectively.

February offers

UAC February Round 1 offers are released on the 4th February. The joint medical program at Newcastle/New England issues offers to interstate non-rural applicants and UNSW issues offers to IB and interstate applicants on this date.

February deadlines

If you are a graduate wanting to apply for medicine in 2022 you have until the 1st February when late registrations close to register for the 17 - 30 March GAMSAT test.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late January and February 2021.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


Happy 2021 to all prospective medicine students.


Late December deadlines

If you are applying for the Bachelor of Medical Science you have until the 28th December to apply to the University of the Sunshine Coast or the 29th December if you are applying to Griffith.

End of Year undergraduate interviews

Interviews continue for undergrads with UNSW progressing their interviews for rural applicants up until the end of December.

December offers

Graduate medicine programs (through GEMSAS universities) issue offers through to end January. Monash offers are issued to Australian-based Foundation year applicants at the end of December.

January interviews

UNSW issue their invitations to interview IB/interstate applicants during January. January is also when non-WA domestic direct entry applicants are interviewed by UWA. Monash send interview invitations on 2nd January to domestic direct entry applicants. Early January is also the time for interviews at JCU. By 7th January Curtin have commenced their interviews with UNSW undertaking their NSW and ACT IB applicant interviews on the 14th.

Mid January sees interview invitations for interstate and IB applicants issued by Monash with UWA progressing to interview non-WA applicants at this time. The University of Newcastle/University of New England interview interstate non-rural applicants. At University of Sydney the 18th is the online assessment day for Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine and is also assessment day for international, IB and interstate applicants. International applicants for the Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine undertake their online assessment the following day.

The latter part of January sees UNSW undertaking interstate, non-rural interviews and Monash undertaking interstate, IB and New Zealand interviews. Interviews by Western Sydney for interstate and domestic applicants take place in late January

January offers

Monash issue offers for Australian-based undergraduate entry in early January. The 8th January is a key date when Round 1 offers are released by UAC. The following day ANU release their accommodation, scholarship and admission offers. QTAC offers are released on the 14th January and TISC on the 15th. By the 21st UAC are releasing 2nd round offers with TISC 2nd round offers released on the 28th. By the end of January Monash have issued all offers for Australian based undergraduate entry applicants.

January deadlines

If you wish to apply for UNSW medicine you need to include this as a preference by 3rd January. Major deadlines in January include early January information requirements from University of Melbourne that require provision of final results to meet offer condition requirements. Students have until the 13th to enrol. Early January also sees Offer Round 4 for UTAS closing. You have until 8th Jan if you are an international student wishing to sit ISAT Cycle 1. The 10th January is the date by which you need to have included USYD in your UAC options and you have until the 14th if you are undertaking postgraduate medicine to provide required documents. The 14th is also the date applicants need to have completed their applications (including changes of preference) for QTAC. QTAC January offer rounds need to be accepted by 19th January.

If you are wanting to commence at ANU you have until 18th to accept you accommodation, scholarship or admission offer.

Bond applicants need to have applied by the 28th January and need to provide their associated documentation by the next day.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late December 2020 and January 2021.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


Medicine places in Australia - it's undergrad interview time.


Postgraduate November offers

Postgraduate offers continue through the end of November (for most universities through to January) with offers issued by GEMSAS postgraduate universities. Deakin issue their international offers on 30th November.

ISAT Cycle 3

This takes place between 21st and 29th November.

Late November deadlines

UNSW international applicants need to lodge their application with UNSW Admissions by 30th November. This is also the last day to submit your UNSW Medicine Application Form.

Undergraduate interviews

The mid November through to December is interview time for undergrads. The University of Western Australia commences their interviews with WA-based applicants. The University of Newcastle/New England undertake undergrad interviews from the 18th and by late November have moved through to rural applicants. Western Sydney and Charles Sturt interview domestic students between 23rd and the 27th. Curtin commences on the 26th. The University of Adelaide starts undergraduate interviews in late November and these continue into December. JCU and Monash undertake their domestic direct entry interviews between the 1st and 10th and between the 15th and 17th respectively. UNSW conduct their NSW/ACT interviews between the 18th and 23rd.

Meanwhile, the University of Sydney undertakes their interviews on 14th December for graduate international students, 17th December for students wanting to undertake a double degree and postgraduate applicants from NSW and ACT on the 19th.

December deadlines

The 1st December is the final date for inclusion of the Joint Medical Program at the University of Newcastle/University of New England among UAC preferences. It is also the final date for international offer acceptances at Macquarie. A number of deadlines occur between 4th and 11th December pertaining to the University of Melbourne (international enrolment and payment), Round 3 closing date at UTAS, University of Newcastle/University of New England last date to submit a request to the Dean of Medicine to change preferred enrolment and University of the Sunshine Coast for application lodging that closes on 28th.

If you are wanting to study a double medicine degree at the University of Sydney you need to add this as a preference by 14th December.

End December deadlines takes place for the University of the Sunshine Coast for applications for Bachelor of Medical Science (Griffith MD Provisional Entry for School-Leavers) that close on the 28 December 2020. The 31st December is the latest date by which your undergraduate qualification needs to be completed for 2021 entry eligibility.

December offers

Monash offers for various international student cohorts are issued in early December for both undergraduate and postgraduate medicine. By end December Monash issue offers for Australian based Foundation years students.

Undergrad offers from UTAS are out by mid December, with Wollongong graduate offers made at this time as well. If you are a domestic graduate student, you need to wait until the 22nd December to receive an offer from Monash and the 23rd if you applying for an Indigenous place at Newcastle/New England.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late November and December 2020.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


Medical school interviews and offers for 2021 in full spring bloom


October interviews

Most postgraduate interviews (GEMSAS universities) take place between September and October. Deakin interviews for international students start earlier and conclude later (Aug - Nov).

Interviews for undergraduate programs commence later than postgraduate, with for example UNSW (rural applicants) and University of Newcastle/University of New England commencing their interviews in October and late October respectively. Applicants can check with the University of Adelaide from the 27th October to determine their interview eligibility.

Late October offers

October signals offers for Indigenous postgraduates from Flinders with offers for other applicants commencing from the 26th. University of Adelaide commence their international offers from mid October.

Late October deadlines

There are a range of hard deadlines from 26th October through to the 31st. The 26th signals the deadline for UQ applications for Indigenous students. Monash have a number of deadlines all occurring on 30th October. By the 31st the University of Newcastle/New England have closed their Indigenous applications and the University of Sydney close applications for international undergraduate study that leads to medicine.

Undergraduate November interviews

Monash interviews for various international cohorts are undertaken in November. By early November applicants for the University of Newcastle/University New England will know their fate in terms of whether they have received an offer to attend an interview. Indigenous interviews have also commenced for applicants to Western Sydney University.

Around mid November James Cook, Charles Sturt, University of Newcastle/University of New England and Monash international applicant undergraduate interview processes kick in, with UWA, University of Newcastle/University of New England, University of Adelaide and Western Sydney joining by late November.

Postgraduate November offers

November is the time for postgraduate offers, with the month starting with a bang with offers issued by GEMSAS postgraduate universities (starting early November and extending through to January). The University of Melbourne issues postgraduate offers during early to mid November and these have (for both domestic and international applicants) a short acceptance turnaround time. Deakin offers to international applicants are issued up to 30th November.

Late November deadlines

The end of November signals deadlines for students who want to apply for the Bachelor of Philosophy as a pathway to medicine at ANU. These applicants need to submit application forms by the end of November. At UNSW, the 30th November is the last day for international students not sitting Australian or New Zealand Year 12 examinations to lodge applications with UNSW Admissions. It is also the last day for international applicants to submit their UNSW Medicine Application Form.

Good luck

Good luck to postgrad medicine aspirants for GAMSAT results that will be issued in late November and also for international students sitting ISAT on 21 - 29 November.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late October and November 2020.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


Spring's here with its mix of hard medicine application deadlines and hope, in the form of interviews and some offers.



GAMSAT takes place between 28th September and 11th October.

September interviews

Graduate interviews continue through the back end of September by GEMSAS universities (being ANU, Deakin, Griffith, Macquarie, University of Melbourne, University of Notre Dame, University of Queensland, University of Western Australia and the University of Wollongong). By late September Notre Dame (Fremantle) and the University of Melbourne are issuing offers for interviews that will continue through to October. Flinders also interview from September to early October. UWA conduct domestic interviews in late September.

University of Adelaide undergraduate applicant interviews commence late September and continue until early October.

Critical September closing dates

The most critical date on the undergrad calendar is 30th September with this being the closing date for applications/early bird /timely applications for medicine. Make sure you are aware of what you need to do to complete your applications for your chosen universities. Also, and most critically, check whether you need to

  • apply to just the Admission Centre (ie UAC, VTAC, QTAC, SATAC or TISC) or

  • whether you apply directly to the university, or

  • whether you need to apply to both the Admission Centre and the university

Also check what documentation you need to submit and determine whether application fees also need to be paid. More details about the process can be found in the 10 Step Application Guide.

The 30th September date is also the deadline for international graduate applications for Deakin. The 30th September closing date also applies to undergraduate degrees that lead to medicine including applications for provisional entry to UQ medicine and double degrees (arts or science with medicine) at the University of Sydney.

October interviews

By October UNSW are interviewing rural applicants and the University of Adelaide, Monash, Charles Sturt/Western Sydney and University of Newcastle/New England are advising domestic undergrads if they have secured an interview spot.

October offers

In early October the University of Sydney has moved to issue first round offers to international students. From mid October Flinders, University of Adelaide, University of Melbourne and Monash issue their offers to specific applicant cohorts. By late October the University of Melbourne is making offers to international students who are onshore based.

October deadlines

International applications for Macquarie medicine close on the 1st October. If you are applying to the Joint Medical Program at the University of Newcastle/New England you have until the 2nd October to make changes to your MSA location. Indigenous applicants have until 26th October to apply for provisional entry to UQ medicine and until the 31st October to include the University of Newcastle/University of New England Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine as a UAC preference.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late September and October 2020.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


End September - a critical time for undergraduate applications for medicine.


Rolling graduate interviews and offers

Macquarie commenced interviews in May for international students (undertaken on Skype or similar platforms) and these continue until October. USYD start making domestic offers from 25th August and these can continue until January 2021.

August interviews

Monash interview North American (including Canadian) applicants for both graduate and undergraduate medicine entry commencing at the end of August and these continue until the 8th September.

Deakin by August have progressed to late round graduate applicant interviews and these interviews continue until November.

Flinders advise applicants of interview offers in mid to late August. Information provided by Flinders is slightly inconsistent in terms of whether these offer dates extend or not through to late August.

August offers

Monash issue offers to direct (undergraduate) entry international applicants from mid to late August.

You have to wait until late August to receive an offer if you are an international student applying for UWA undergraduate medicine.

August deadlines

The University of Melbourne require international applicants to accept their interview offer by late August.

The only undergraduate medicine program deadline in August is James Cook’s deadline of the 31st. If you are an international applicant, you need to have submitted your written application by this date and James Cook should have also received your Prediction of Academic Achievement Sheet by this time as well.


GAMSAT takes place between 28th September and 11th October.

September interviews

The interview pace quickens to a full frenzy in September with graduate interviews being undertaken across the GEMSAS universities (being ANU, Deakin, Griffith, Macquarie, University of Melbourne, University of Notre Dame, University of Queensland, University of Western Australia and the University of Wollongong).

Monash (not part of GEMSAS) also commence their graduate interviews in September. Flinders (also not part of GEMSAS) undertake Parallel Rural Community Curriculum (PRCC) interviews on 18th and 19th September.

University of Adelaide let undergraduate applicants know if they have been successful in gaining an interview spot on 10th September. Their undergraduate interviews commence late September and continue until early October.

September offers

By mid September USYD are able to commence offering places with first round offers to international applicants. By late September Monash are in a position to commence making offers to international applicants from Malaysia, Singapore and other areas in Asia applying for either undergraduate and postgraduate entry.

Bond notify Doctor of Physiotherapy applicants of their success by 14th September. This degree provides international students to opportunity to apply for Bond’s medicine degree by giving prospective medicine applicants sufficient time to apply for permanent residency (required to apply for Bond medicine).

The long wait for UCAT

The results from UCAT examinations will be released directly to universities by the UCAT ANZ Consortium in early September. Students will receive an email from Pearson VUE that will provide instructions as to how to access your personal account to obtain your score report.

Critical September closing dates

UTAS have 3rd September as their round 2 closing date for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery for international applicants. By the 7th September the Joint Medicine Program at University of Newcastle/University of New England require international students to have submitted their application. This same date applies to international students wishing to apply for 2nd October UQ interviews.

If you are looking to apply for ANU medicine through an ANU undergraduate degree, you have until 7th September to accept your offer and pay your accommodation fee.

Domestic applicants have until mid September to accept interview offers from the University of Melbourne. University of Sydney double degree applicants need to submit their E12 application by 20th September and UWA close their undergraduate domestic applications in late September.

The most critical date on the undergrad calendar is 30th September with this being the closing date for applications/early bird /timely applications for medicine. Make sure you are aware of what you need to do to complete your applications for your chosen universities. Also, and most critically, check whether you need to

  • apply to just the Admission Centre (ie UAC, VTAC, QTAC, SATAC or TISC) or

  • whether you apply directly to the university, or

  • whether you need to apply to both the Admission Centre and the university

Also check what documentation you need to submit and determine whether application fees also need to be paid. More details about the process can be found in the 10 Step Application Guide.

The 30th September date is also the deadline for international graduate applications for Deakin.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late August and September 2020.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


Mid winter - a busy period, particularly for graduate and international medicine degree applicants



July is UCAT month with testing being undertaken throughout this period.

July offers

Deakin issue Round 1 international offers in the week commencing 27th July.

End July deadlines

There are a range of deadlines occurring at the end of July - and these include Indigenous and international application closures.

The University of Sydney closed their international applications on the 23rd July with related supporting documentation needing to be provided by 29th.

If you are applying to Monash as a rural applicant, you now have until the 31st July (extended from 24th July) to submit your application for either the Dean’s Rural list or for graduate entry. Monash close graduate entry applications for international applicants on 31st July.

Indigenous applicants for Deakin have until the 31st July to submit their applications.

If you are applying for Flinders graduate medicine you have until 11.59pm ACST on 31st July to submit your academic transcripts. This same date applies if you are working to complete a 1 year Bachelor degree in order to be eligible for graduate entry.

End July interviews

Monash conduct interviews for Singapore, Malaysia and other areas in Asia for international undergraduate and international graduate entry applicants on 28th - 30th July. They also interview international Foundation Year students who are competing in June for undergraduate medicine entry during this period.

August interviews

Monash interview North American (including Canadian) applicants for both graduate and undergraduate medicine entry during August. Deakin by August have progressed to late round graduate applicant interviews and these interviews continue until November.

The University of Melbourne and Flinders advise applicants of interview offers in mid August - the University of Melbourne’s offers are for international students. Information provided by Flinders is slightly inconsistent in terms of whether these offer dates extend or not through to late August.

By the 28th August, Monash have progressed to issue invitations to interview to domestic graduate entry applicants.

August offers

ANU’s Admissions, Scholarship and Accommodation scheme issues conditional offers to domestic undergraduates on the 10th August (i.e. if you are wanting to apply for an undergraduate degree at ANU prior to progressing to apply for ANU postgraduate medicine).

You have to wait until late August to receive an offer if you are an international student applying for UWA undergraduate medicine. By 25th August, USYD are making first round offers to domestic applicants for their postgraduate medicine program.

August deadlines

There are a range of deadlines all relating to postgraduate medicine programs in August. These include:

  • 2nd Aug - UQ close their Indigenous applications

  • 3rd August - Bond close applications for their Doctor of Physiotherapy (which is a pathway to the medicine program). International applicants for the University of Melbourne have until this date to submit MCAT scores

  • 14th August - Indigenous applicants for Wollongong have until this date to submit their paperwork

  • 21st August - Griffith close their applications

The only undergraduate medicine program deadline in August is James Cook’s deadline of the 31st. You need to have submitted your written application by this date and James Cook should have also received your Prediction of Academic Achievement Sheet.


If you are an international student wanting to apply to Monash for undergraduate medicine, or you are from Malaysia, Singapore or other areas of Asia and are wanting to apply for undergraduate entry, you have until 23rd August to sit ISAT. This date also applies if you are Australian based or are doing the Monash Foundation Year as an offshore applicant and are completing in December.

If you are wanting to sit GAMSAT between 28th September and 11th October, you have until 17th August to complete your registration or have until the 28th August to complete late registration.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late July and August 2020.



Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


July - the depths of winter has a focus on international and Indigenous medicine applications



The opening date for 9th September GAMSAT testing registration has been delayed and this will now open in early July. Registrations then close on the 20th July, with late registrations closing on 30th July.


July is UCAT month with testing being undertaken throughout this period.

End June deadlines

University of Adelaide close international applications on 30th June.

End June interviews

Macquarie continue their interview process (which commenced in May) through to the end of October.

July interviews

Monash conduct interviews for Singapore, Malaysia and other areas in Asia for international undergraduate and international graduate entry applicants through July. They also interview international Foundation Year students who are completing in June for undergraduate medicine entry during this period.

After issuing invitations from 22nd June, Deakin commence Round 1 of their international interview cycle on the 6th July and this continues until the 10th. ANU undertake international interviews in mid July and conduct Indigenous interviews over the same period.

July deadlines

There are a range of deadlines occurring in July - and these mainly relate to Indigenous and international application closures.

UQ close applications for Indigenous and international applicants on the 5th July with ANU following suit on the 6th. The 7th is the last date for international students who wish to apply to the University of Sydney to sit MCAT. If, however, you are a domestic applicant you have until the 14th to submit supporting documents to the USYD Admissions Office. The University of Sydney close their international applications at 10 am on the 23rd July. Supporting documentation then needs to be provided by 29th.

The University of Melbourne requires international applicants to have provided Bachelors final year results and GAMSAT information by the 17th. Monash also close their applications for Canadian and North American applicants for both undergrad and graduate medicine on this date. If, however, you are applying to Monash as a rural applicant you have until the 24th July to submit your application for either the Dean’s Rural list or for graduate entry. Monash close graduate entry applications for international applicants on 31st July.

Indigenous applicants for Deakin have until the 31st July to submit their applications.

July offers

A few offers are made in July and these are made by ANU for Indigenous and international applicants in late July. Deakin also issue Round 1 international offers in the week commencing 27th July.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late June and July 2020.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


June is deadline month - particularly for graduate medicine applications


May interviews

Macquarie commence their graduate interviews for international applicants in May and these extend through to October.

Important tests taking place in May

The GAMSAT exam planned for 21st March will now take place between 28th May and 2nd June by remote proctoring. Candidates can sit the online exam either at home or at your chosen location.

If you are an international direct entry applicant you need to have sat ISAT to apply for Monash University medicine. Importantly Monash advise, applicants need to have completed ISAT by 24th May. ISAT will now be provided by remote proctoring.

May deadlines

There are a number of deadlines in May - with this month being the time when graduates in particular need to get their applications submitted for some postgraduate medical schools.

ANU have implemented a single combined admission, scholarships and accommodation application process. For students wanting to commence undergraduate studies at ANU as a precursor to postgraduate medicine the deadline for admission, scholarships and accommodation closes on 25th May.

The end of May represents the deadline for applications to postgraduate medicine for a number of universities - including ANU and UWA. It is important you check (see detailed information below) which specific student cohorts these end of May application deadlines are applicable as dates are changing. For example, Griffith’s close date for their Doctor of Medicine is now 21st August. Macquarie’s domestic close date is now 11th June.

GAMSAT results

The March GAMSAT sitting did not take place due to COVID-19 and therefore the late May result release will not occur.

June deadlines

June is filled with a range of deadlines. These include:

  • 4th June - QAS applications for USYD and close of applications for undergrads wanting to apply for Offer Round 1 to UTAS

  • 5th June - Last possible CASPer test date for University of Wollongong

  • 7th June - Deakin Round 1 for international students

  • 11th June - GEMSAS close for postgraduate medicine applications (including guaranteed, Indigenous and Graduate Access applications for University of Melbourne). It is important to check whether the advertised deadline applies to all students or just specific cohorts at each postgraduate university (see table below). Note different postgraduate medicine universities also have different times on the 11th June when their applications close (also see table below). USYD require supporting documents to be received by the following day. GEMSAS advise supporting documents need to be provided by 17th.

  • 22nd June - Monash close applications for specified international cohorts

  • 26th June - Flinders, Charles Darwin and University of Melbourne international applications close

  • 30th June - University of Adelaide close for international applicants.

Other things happening in June

University of Queensland offers for Indigenous applicants are released on 4th June. International direct pathway applicants to UWA and international applicants (Round 1) for Deakin are notified at the end of June if they have been successful in receiving an invitation for interview.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late May and June 2020.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


May marks the start of the application cycle - particularly for graduates


April and May Interviews

Deakin interviews for international students take place between 27th April and 10th May. Flinders undertake their interviews for international postgraduate applicants during May. Macquarie also commence in May but their international postgraduate interviews extend through to October.

Important tests taking place in May

The GAMSAT exam planned for 21 March will now take place between 28th May and 2nd June by remote proctoring. Candidates can sit the online exam either at home or at your chosen location.

There are 3 possible test dates for the University of Wollongong CASPer test, with the first 2 taking place in May on the 7th and 21st.

If you are an international direct entry applicant the ISAT test period commences with Cycle 1 testing between 16th and 24th May.

May offers

Deakin announce their early round international offers on the 18th May.

May deadlines

There is a plethora of deadlines in May - with this month being the time when graduates in particular need to get their applications submitted for postgraduate medical schools. The beginning of May heralds the deadline for applicants to the University of Melbourne to submit requests for prerequisite assessments. The 4th May is the deadline for concession and access arrangements for UCAT - though note there is a discrepancy in the specific deadline time between information provided by UCAT and by UAC.

A key date for undergraduate/direct medicine entry applicants is the 11th May which marks the final booking deadline for UCAT. If you miss this deadline there is one further opportunity to book which is the late booking (and cancellation) deadline on the 18th May.

Deadlines at the end of May include Monash’s deadline that applies to a range of international students. Monash stipulate these applicants are required to sit ISAT by the 24th May. There are 3 ISAT testing cycles ie

  • Cycle 1: May 16- May 24 2020

  • Cycle 2: August 15- August 23 2020

  • Cycle 3: November 21- November 29 2020

Monash’s deadline therefore requires these international applicants to have sat ISAT no later than Cycle 1.

ANU have implemented a single combined admission, scholarships and accommodation application process. For students wanting to commence undergraduate studies at ANU as a precursor to postgraduate medicine the deadline for admission, scholarships and accommodation closes on 25th May.

The end of May represents the deadline for applications to postgraduate medicine for a number of Universities - including Macquarie, Griffith, ANU and UWA. It is important you check (see detailed information below) which specific students cohorts these end of May application deadlines are applicable.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late April and May 2020.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


April medical school entry applications - the slow point of the annual cycle


Corona Virus GAMSAT changes

The GAMSAT exam planned for 21 March will now take place at the end of May. Candidates can sit the online exam either at home or at your chosen location.

You will need to update your registration details. The registration portal opens on 30 March and closes on 9 April 2020.

March offers

By late March, Flinders are in a position to make offers to Indigenous applicants.

April deadlines

Early round applications for international students wanting to apply for Deakin medicine close on 9th April.

April Interviews

Deakin will issue interview invitations on the 20th April for interviews for international students that take place between 27th April and 10th May.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late March and April 2020.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the April deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in a colour coded format. This enables you to easily identify interviews, offers, deadlines and key events. You can also search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


New medicine students start and prospective ones gear up to apply in 2020 for the 2021 year.


End of February Interviews

By this time of the medicine application cycle the only University still interviewing is Bond with final interviews scheduled between the 25th and 28th February.

Late February deadlines

The University of New South Wales requires off shore and on shore international applicants for medicine to have completed ISAT by February 2020.

March Interviews

The only interviews taking place in March are Indigenous interviews under Flinders Indigenous Entry Scheme and these take place between 9th and 13th March.

March offers

Bond, being later that other medicine schools, release their Round 1 offers on the 6th March. By late March, Flinders are in a position to make offers to Indigenous applicants.

March deadlines

Applicants who have been successful in securing an offer for Bond have until 10th March to accept First Round offers.


Good luck to all prospective graduate medicine students who are sitting GAMSAT on 21 March.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late February and March 2020.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the March deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in a colour coded format. This enables you to easily identify interviews, offers, deadlines and key events. You can also search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


The beginning of the 2020 year marks the end of the medicine application cycle


End of January Interviews

By the end of January the very tail end of interviews are taking place. These include UWA interviews for non-WA applicants (UWA delay their process so applicants who are not WA-based can consider other offers prior to making the long journey to the West).

Likewise the joint medical program at the University of Newcastle/University of New England also delay their interviews for non- rural interstate applicants until late January.

January Offers

The 23rd of January marks the provision of offers from the University of Sydney for their undergraduate double degrees that lead to medicine. This is also the date for offers from UNSW. ANU continue their offers through to the end of January for postgraduate medicine, as do University of Adelaide for undergraduates, with UTas having their offers coming out to interstate applicants during this time.

Late January deadlines

A key deadline is 30th January with the close of QTAC applications for the Bond medicine program (undergraduate and graduate entry). Documentation must be received by the following day. Make sure you have accepted your scholarship, accommodation or admission offers from ANU by 23rd January if you are looking to go there for undergraduate study.

February Interviews

The only interviews taking place in February are at Bond - who commence their medicine year later than everyone else.

February offers

Early February heralds offers from Monash under VTAC Round 2 for undergraduates. Any further offers will be made in mid-February. UTAS advise special consideration applicants of the success of their application during this time.

By the 6th February the joint medical program at Newcastle/New England is in a position to issue offers to interstate non-rural applicants

February deadlines

There is a February ISAT deadline for international applicants. Graduates wanting to apply for medicine in 2020 have until the 1st February to register for the 21st March GAMSAT test (late registrations close on the 10th February).

Indigenous applicants for Flinders postgraduate medicine program have until 14th February to lodge IES applications.

Students fortunate enough to receive an offer from the joint medical program at the University of Newcastle/University of New England have to enroll and pay fees by early February

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late January and February 2020.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the February deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in a colour coded format. This enables you to easily identify interviews, offers, deadlines and key events. You can also search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.