Merry Christmas and a Happy 2020 to all prospective medicine students


End of Year Undergraduate Interviews

By the end of December interviews are continuing at pace for undergrads with the University of Adelaide, UNSW and USyd (for double degree applicants) interviews taking place. La Trobe (Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Medical)) and James Cook have by this time sent interviewees their notifications to attend interviews in January.

December Offers

The pace of offers declines as we see in the end of the 2019 year. As University of Adelaide interviews occur offers are progressively issued through to February. Graduate medicine programs (through GEMSAS universities) issue offers through to end January. Monash continue their offers with these extending to Australian-based Foundation year and any other overseas-based undergraduate entry applicants.

Final offers are made by ANU for undergraduate accommodation, scholarships and admissions.

Late December deadlines

The end of December has (understandably) few deadlines - with only Griffith Bachelor of Medical Science domestic applications closing.

January Interviews

Interviews take place in early January for WA-based applicants and in mid-late January for non-WA domestic direct entry applicants at UWA. Early January is also the time for interviews for JCU, La Trobe (Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Medical)), Monash’s Victorian VCE and IB, National Dean's Rural List and Dean's Indigenous List applicants. By the 10th UNSW are selecting IB applicants for interview. By mid January Monash have progressed to invite interstate and NZ applicants for interview and UNSW are interviewing IB/interstate/overseas applicants. The latter part of January sees USyd interviewing double degree applicants, the joint medical program at Newcastle/New England interview interstate (non-rural) applicants and Curtin have progressed to second round interviews.

January offers

January Round I offers are released to undergraduates by UNSW, UTas (interstate applicants) and Monash (Australian-based international applicants). By the 10th, University of Newcastle/New England issue offers for interstate and rural applicants and Western Sydney issue their Round 1 offers. Mid January sees Round 1 offers issued by QTAC and VTAC (James Cook and Monash respectively) with Round 2 by 23rd January offers issued by USyd (double degree) and UNSW (IB and interstate applicants), with Curtin following at the end of January.

January deadlines

Major deadlines in January include early January information requirements from University of Melbourne that include prerequisite confirmations and USyd conditional offer documentation. UTas close their special consideration applications on the 10th. By the 14th USyd have closed their double degree UAC preference option for IB and interstate applicants and the 19th is the deadline for ISAT results for offshore UQ applicants.

If you have received a January offer from James Cook you need to respond by the 21st to QTAC, you have until the 23rd to respond to ANU to accept accommodation, scholarship and admission offers (undergraduate) and up until the 30th for Bond undergraduate and graduate entry applications (your paperwork is required by the next day).

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late December 2019 and January 2020.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the January deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in a colour coded format. This enables you to easily identify interviews, offers, deadlines and key events. You can also search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


Medicine places in Australia - ATAR time.


Postgraduate November offers

Postgraduate offers continue through the end of November (for most universities through to January) with offers issued by Notre Dame, ANU and GEMSAS postgraduate universities.

Late November deadlines

Undergraduate deadlines include Special Consideration applications for Curtin by the 28th and by the end of November UNSW international applicants need to have sat ISAT. Students who wish to apply for the Bachelor of Philosophy as a pathway to medicine at ANU also need to submit application forms by the end of November.

Undergraduate Interviews

The end of November is interview time for undergrads. The University of Western Australia commences their interviews with WA-based applicants. The University of Adelaide start undergraduate interviews in late November and these continue into December. UNSW conduct rural interviews and Western Sydney interview domestic students between 25th and the 29th. The Joint Program at Newcastle/New England undertake rural applicant interviews at the end of November and these continue through to early December. Monash University progress interviews for both Foundation Years (offshore undergraduates completing in December) as well as Malaysia, Singapore and other areas in Asia undergraduate and postgraduate entry applicants.

ATAR time

The culmination of high school studies represented by the issuing of ATAR results takes place at different times depending upon State where you studied. Victoria commences with VCE results released on 12th December. This is followed by QTAC on the 14th, TASC, SATAC and UAC on the 17th, and WA students have to wait until the 19th to receive their results.

The issuing of ATAR results also brings with it commensurate hard deadlines associated with change of preference windows.

December Interviews

Interviews continue in December with Flinders interviewing graduates, UNSW interview undergrads, the University of Sydney interview double degree applicants and La Trobe progress their new rural medicine entry program with interviews for rural applicants for the Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Medical).

In terms of specific dates, early December marks the interview dates for undergraduates wishing to be accepted at Curtin and James Cook (James Cook have a further round of interviews in January). By mid December, Monash have selected rural, Indigenous and domestic applicants they wish to interview. If you are an applicant for UNSW, make sure you are checking your emails as there is only a 1 day turnaround from when emails are issued to the commencement of NSW and ACT undergraduate interviews. Late December signals interviews for graduates at UWA for non-WA based applicants and USYD for NSW and ACT applicants.

December offers

Monash offers for various international student cohorts continue to be issued in early December for both undergraduate and postgraduate medicine. By mid December Monash have moved on to offers for domestic postgrads and by end December this includes the mop up of other overseas based undergrad entry applicants. Undergrad offers from UTAS are out by the 18th, with Newcastle/New England, USYD and Curtin all getting in just before Christmas lunch is served.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late November and December 2019.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the December deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in a colour coded format. This enables you to easily identify interviews, offers, deadlines and key events. You can also search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


Medical school interviews and offers for 2020 in full spring bloom


Late October action

Late October signals offers for postgraduates from Flinders, University of Melbourne and ANU. There are also a range of hard deadlines from 28th October through to the 31st. Monash has deadlines on 28th for international students to have sat ISAT and application deadlines for international students from a range of countries/application types. The 28th signals the deadline for UQ applications from Indigenous students. By the 31st the University of Newcastle/New England also close their Indigenous applications and the University of Sydney close applications for undergraduate study that leads to medicine.

October interview advice from Adelaide

Applicants can check with the University of Adelaide from the 29th October to determine their interview eligibility.

Postgraduate November offers

November is the time for postgraduate offers, with this month starting with a bang with offers issued by Notre Dame, ANU (with offers continuing through to January), Wollongong, Macquarie and GEMSAS postgraduate universities (also through to January). The University of Melbourne issues postgraduate offers during early to mid November but only for domestic applicants.

Early November deadlines

Early November heralds a range of deadlines commencing with Curtin’s requirement for predicted ATAR information from schools to be provided by the 1st, and Monash’s registrations for the Dean’s Rural List close on the 8th. International postgraduate students need to have accepted their offers from Melbourne by the 11th.

Late November deadlines

Undergraduate deadlines take place for Curtin on the 28th for Special Consideration and at the end of November for international student to have sat ISAT for UNSW. Students who want to apply for the Bachelor of Philosophy as a pathway to medicine at ANU need to submit application forms by the end of November.

Undergraduate Interviews

Western Sydney have undergraduate interviews for Indigenous students in early November and for domestic students on 25th - 29th. James Cook’s are on the 15th and University of Adelaide commence their undergraduate interviews in late November and these continue into December. Monash interviews for international students take place on the 22nd and 25th. UNSW have their rural interviews between 25th and the 29th. The Joint Program at Newcastle/New England undertake their rural applicant interviews at the end of November and these continue through to early December.

Good luck

Good luck to postgrad medicine aspirants for GAMSAT results that will be issued in mid November and also for ISAT students sitting in Brisbane on 13 - 14 November.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late October and November 2019.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the November deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in a colour coded format. This enables you to easily identify interviews, offers, deadlines and key events. You can also search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


Spring's here with its mix of hard deadlines for undergrads and hope, in the form of interviews and some offers.


Late September action

Late September signals a number of interviews taking place for graduates. These include UWA (domestic applicants), Notre Dame (Sydney), Macquarie (domestic students), University of Wollongong and Flinders (Northern Territory interviews). The University of Adelaide also undertake interviews for international undergraduate applicants.

Meanwhile over at Monash they are actively progressing international offers for both graduates and direct entry students from Singapore, Malaysia and other areas of Asia.

Critical closing date - 30 September for undergrads

The most critical date in the undergrad calendar is 30th September with this being the closing date for applications/early bird /timely applications for medicine. Make sure you are aware of what you need to do to complete your applications for your chosen universities. Also, and most critically, check whether you need to

  • apply to just the Admission Centre (ie UAC, VTAC, QTAC, SATAC or TISC) or

  • whether you apply directly to the university, or

  • whether you need to apply to both the Admission Centre and the university

Also check what documentation you need to submit and determine whether application fees also need to be paid. More details about the process can be found in the 10 Step Application Guide.

The 30th September closing date also applies to undergraduate degrees that lead to medicine at the University of Sydney and also the Bachelor of Clinical Science at Macquarie.

Other critical end September deadlines

The 27th September is also a critical date for international applicants to UTAS (round 3) and also for direct entry rural and Broadway applicants to UWA.

October interviews

By October the University of Melbourne are interviewing domestic and onshore international applicants and Notre Dame (Perth) are also progressing interviews. In mid-October Western Sydney invite their chosen applicants to attend an interview, followed by Monash in late October with email invitations to interview issued. Applicants are also invited to apply for the Dean’s rural list and Indigenous list. Later in October the University of Newcastle/University of New England issue their interview invitations for undergraduates. Applicants can check with the University of Adelaide from the 29th October to determine their interview eligibility.

October offers

Flinders issue their offers for Indigenous applicants in October. The University of Adelaide commence their offers for international students in mid-October and these continue through to February. Late October sees offers being made by the University of Melbourne and ANU to international and domestic graduates respectively.

October deadlines

International applications for Macquarie medicine close on the 1st October. There is also a critical deadline for provision of the Prediction of Academic Achievement form that needs to be received by JCU by11th October. The end of the month sees Indigenous applications closing at UQ and University of Newcastle/University of New England. Deakin also close round 2 international applications and the University of Sydney closes their direct to the faculty applications for undergraduate degrees that lead to medicine. Monash close applications for a range of overseas undergraduate applicants as well as Malaysian, Singapore and other areas of Asia undergraduate and graduate applicants. ISAT also needs to be undertaken by the 28th October for a large number of international applicants.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late September and October 2019.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the October deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in a colour coded format. This enables you to easily identify interviews, offers, deadlines and key events. You can also search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


End September - the most important time for undergraduate applications for medicine


Rolling graduate interviews and offers

Flinders have a system that enables interviews to be conducted throughout the year and close their graduate applications when places are filled. Graduate interviews take place in August (also in December if needed). Likewise Macquarie commenced interviews in May for international students (undertaken on Skype or similar platforms) and these continue until October. USYD start making domestic offers at the end of August and these can continue until January.

By August graduate offers increase and attention swings to domestic undergrads

By August UWA have progressed their considerations to the point where international graduate entry offers are issued and they then start thinking about domestic direct students with the opening of these applications. UTAS, JCU, SATAC (for University of Adelaide), VTAC, TISC, UQ (Indigenous provisional entry) and Western Sydney all follow suit with the opening of their undergrad medicine applications in early August. The University of Newcastle/University of New England open theirs in mid-August and by this time UWA rural and high achievement direct entry applications are open as well.

End of August closing dates

If you are an international student wanting to apply to JCU make sure you have your forms completed by the end of August - including your Prediction of Academic Achievement form. Griffith close their applications for international students at the end of August.

By September it’s all happening on the interview front

The interview pace quickens to a full frenzy in September with graduate interviews being undertaken across the GEMSAS universities (being ANU, Deakin, Griffith, Macquarie, University of Melbourne, University of Notre Dame, University of Queensland, University of Western Australia and the University of Wollongong). Monash (not part of GEMSAS) also commence their graduate interviews in early September.

UNSW commence their interviews for rural undergraduate applicants in September and these continue through to November.

International undergraduate offers commence

By mid September Monash are in a position to commence making offers to international applicants (Canada, North America, direct and graduate entry; and Malaysia, Singapore and other areas in Asia undergraduate entry offers) and by late September offers are extended to Singapore, Malaysia & other areas in Asia direct and graduate entrants.

The long wait for UCAT

The results from UCAT examinations are released directly to universities by the UCAT ANZ Consortium in early September. Students will receive an email from Pearson VUE that will provide instructions as to how to access your personal account to obtain your score report.

Critical closing date - 30 September for undergrads

The most critical date in the undergrad calendar is 30th September with this being the closing date for applications/early bird /timely applications for medicine. Make sure you are aware of what you need to do to complete your applications for your chosen universities. Also, and most critically, check whether you need to

  • apply to just the Admission Centre (ie UAC, VTAC, QTAC, SATAC or TISC) or

  • whether you apply directly to the university, or

  • whether you need to apply to both the Admission Centre and the university

Also check what documentation you need to submit and determine whether application fees also need to be paid. More details about the process can be found in the 10 Step Application Guide.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late August and September 2019.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the September deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in a colour coded format. This enables you to easily identify interviews, offers, deadlines and key events. You can also search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


The depths of winter and it's busy - particularly for graduate and international applicants


Interviews continue at pace

July sees UWA interviewing both direct entry international students (in Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada) and graduate entry students (Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada and Perth) with interviews progressing into August. Monash gets into the swing of things with Malaysia, Singapore and other areas of Asia international interviews for undergrad and graduate entry positions and by mid August these have progressed all the way through into Canada and North America. USYD commence face to face domestic interviews for graduates in mid - July and then follow this up by issuing invitations to domestic students (who have exceptional circumstances) who will be interviewed by video link in early August. Griffith’s international interviews take place in late July.

If you’re looking to gain an international place at the University of Melbourne you will need to wait until mid August to hear whether you have been successful at gaining an interview spot.

Graduate offers

Flinders have a system that enables interviews to be conducted throughout the year and close their graduate applications when places are filled. Graduate interviews take place in August (also in December if needed). Likewise Macquarie commence interviews in May for international students (undertaken on Skype or similar platforms) and these continue until October. USYD start making domestic offers at the end of August and these can continue until January. On the other hand ANU has a defined offer period and this kicks off in late July with offers to Indigenous and international applicants.

Testing requirements - don’t forget ISAT if you’re an international undergrad, UCAT if you’re domestic and GAMSAT if you’re a graduate

ISAT is required for international students wanting to apply for undergraduate medicine degrees at Flinders, UQ, UTAS, Monash, Western Sydney, UWA and UNSW universities. There are no set dates for ISAT.

The end of July also marks the close of the introduction and new testing period for UCAT for undergraduate applicants who are seeking medicine entry in 2020.

Late applications for the September sitting of GAMSAT close on the 1st August.

The tail end of July tests personal qualities

The University of Adelaide has a run on Personal Quality Assessment tests with these carried out from 25th to the 31st in Adelaide, Kuala Lumpur, Toronto, Hong Kong and Singapore.

End of July close of applications

UTAS close applications for international students (Round 2) on 26th July. Monash close applications for graduate and direct entry for Canadian and North American students on the 29th July and Deakin close Indigenous applications on 31st July.

The start of August - graduate offers increase and attention swings to domestic undergrads

By August UWA have progressed their considerations to the point where international graduate entry offers are issued and they then start thinking about domestic direct students with the opening of applications for these students. UTAS, JCU, SATAC (for University of Adelaide), VTAC, TISC, UQ Indigenous provisional entry and Western Sydney also follow suit with the opening of their undergrad medicine applications in early August. University of Newcastle/University of New England open theirs in mid-August and by this time UWA rural and high achievement direct entry applications are open as well.

August and the new ANU application system is up and going

The new Admissions, Scholarship and Accommodation scheme at ANU kicks off in August with the issuing of conditional offers to domestic undergraduates. If you receive an offer you have until the 5th August to accept.

End of August closing dates

If you are wanting to apply to JCU make sure you have your forms completed by the end of August - including your Prediction of Academic Achievement form. Griffith close their applications for international students at the end of August.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late July and August 2019.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the August deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in a colour coded format. This enables you to easily identify interviews, offers, deadlines and key events. You can also search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


Winter Solstice and beyond


UCAT for high school students and applications progress for graduates.

USYD and University of Melbourne mop up documentation

USYD international applicants have until the 26th June to provide their supporting documentation to the University. The next day domestic students will receive advice from the university and have a short time window of just 4 days to complete the online confirmation page. The online interview booking system then closes on the 9th July. International students have until the 26th July to complete their confirmation page. Down south the University of Melbourne gives international applicants until 14th July to submit various documentation in support of their applications.

Meanwhile over at Flinders and Macquarie…

Flinders have a system that enables interviews to be conducted throughout the year and close their graduate applications when places are filled. Graduate interviews take place in August (also in December if needed). Likewise Macquarie commence interviews in May for international students (undertaken on Skype or similar platforms) and these continue until October.

The end of June frenzy

The end of June wraps up the application period with a bang, particularly for graduates with

  • University of Melbourne closing international applications and Flinders closing (28th June)

  • Monash closing domestic graduate entry, University of Adelaide close their applications for international undergraduates and Deakin closing international applications (30th June), and

  • ANU do the same, closing international and Indigenous applications on the 30th June.

And what about undergraduates?

July represents one of the most critical times for undergraduate medicine aspirants with the commencement of UCAT in Australia. UCAT testing takes places throughout July and concludes on 31st July.

Undergrad applicants don’t forget ISAT if you’re an international student

ISAT is required for international students wanting to apply for undergraduate medicine degrees at Flinders, UQ, UTAS, Monash, Western Sydney, UWA and UNSW universities. There are no set dates for ISAT.

With applications closed the interviews can begin

The beginning of July marks the start of graduate interviews for international students at UWA (in Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada) and ANU commence Indigenous and international interviews. Monash gets into the swing of things with Malaysia, Singapore and other areas of Asia international interviews for undergrad and graduate entry positions. By mid July USYD have commenced face to face domestic interviews for graduates and then closely follow this up by issuing invitations to domestic students (who will be interviewed by video link) followed by international students. Griffith’s international interviews take place in late July.

The tail end of July tests personal qualities

The University of Adelaide has a run on Personal Quality Assessment tests with these carried out from 25th to the 31st in Adelaide, Kuala Lumpur, Toronto, Hong Kong and Singapore.

End of July close of applications

UTAS close applications for international students (Round 2) on 26th July. Monash close applications for graduate and direct entry for Canadian and North American students on the 29th July and Deakin close Indigenous applications on 31st July.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late June and July 2019.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the August deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in PDF format. This will enable you to search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.


Helpful links

The above listing does not include information from State Admission Centres. Follow these links to obtain deadline information from UAC, VTAC, QTAC, TISC and SATAC.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


End of Financial Year - is also the close of applications, particularly for graduates


end May and end june are key for graduates.

The end of May is a critical deadline for graduates

The 31st May heralds the close of GEMSAS applications. A large number of postgraduate medical programs commensurately state they close their application process on this date. Closures include:

  • UWA - close their online application system,

  • Griffith

  • Macquarie

  • University of Melbourne - also close Graduate Access Melbourne and Indigenous applications.

The University of Sydney (who is not part of the GEMSAS consortium) - closed their application system for domestic applicants prior to GEMSAS, on 24th May. The online application system for international students closes on the 20 June.

USYD and GEMSAS mop up documentation

Following on from the close of the application period for USYD postgraduate medicine is the provision of a lot of documentation. Supporting documentation needs to be provided by 30st May to UAC and then close on the heels of this, supporting documentation needs to be provided to the University directly by domestic applicants (14th June) - with the online confirmation page then completed by the 27th June. International applicants have until the 26th June to provide their supporting documentation to the University.

Likewise, GEMSAS require their documentation to be provided by 7th June (hard copies). If you are also wanting to make a rurality claim you need to provide hard copy information by the 14th June.

University of Melbourne docs

If you’re an international student wanting to apply for the University of Melbourne postgraduate degree you have until 21st June to submit your prerequisite assessment information.

The end of May is also important for high school students wanting to apply for postgraduate medical programs at UWA and ANU.

UWA uses the 31st May as their key date not only for graduates but also for high performing international high school students who seek direct entry to medicine. These students also need to have completed ISAT (by 31st May) or may need to have sat UCAT (in changed residency status circumstances).

ANU have introduced a new scheme - the Admission, Scholarships and Accommodation scheme. This undergraduate, domestic entrance scheme has a closing date of 31st May. This new scheme, and its associated application deadline, is important to note if your intended pathway to postgraduate medicine at ANU is though an undergraduate ANU degree.

Meanwhile over at Flinders and Macquarie…

Flinders and Macquarie unlike other graduate medicine programs who are closing applications at the end of May are already progressing interviews. Flinders have a system that enables interviews to be conducted throughout the year and close their graduate applications when places are filled. Graduate interviews take place in May and August (also in December if needed). Likewise Macquarie commence interviews in May for international students (undertaken on Skype or similar platforms) and these continue until October.

And don’t forget CASPer

The CASPer test is used by the University of Wollongong to assess graduate applicants. The final two CASPer test dates are the 3rd or 9th June. If you wish to have your school added to your CASPer score distribution list you need to notify this by 23rd June. By late June and through into August Wollongong get on with the task of scoring applicant portfolios.

Undergrad applicants don’t forget ISAT if you’re an international student

ISAT is required for international students wanting to apply for undergraduate medicine degrees at Flinders, UQ, UTAS, Monash, Western Sydney, UWA and UNSW universities. There are no set dates for ISAT.

The next Brisbane date is the 5 and 6th June and registrations are available for this until 27th May

Monash start the batting for international student direct entry

The range of international student application processes for the year at Monash kicks off with the Malaysia interview cohort with applications due by 10th June. Students also need to ensure that have sat ISAT by this date.

The end of June frenzy

The end of June wraps up the application period particularly for graduates with a bang with

  • University of Melbourne closing international applications and Flinders closing (28th June)

  • Monash closing domestic graduate entry and Deakin closing (30th June)

Not to be outdone, University of Adelaide close their applications for international undergraduates also on 30th June.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late May and June 2019.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the June deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in PDF format. This will enable you to search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


And we're off. May marks the beginning of the application cycle - particularly for graduates


May heralds some key deadlines.

The end of May is a critical deadline for graduates

The 31st May heralds the close of GEMSAS applications. A large number of postgraduate medical programs commensurately close their application process on this date. Associated closures include:

  • UWA - close their online application system.

  • Macquarie

  • University of Melbourne - also close Graduate Access Melbourne and Indigenous applications.

The University of Sydney (who is not part of the GEMSAS consortium) - close their application system for domestic applicants prior to GEMSAS, on 24 May.

Key closure date for USyd applicants

The postgraduate University of Sydney medicine application process includes an additional step that requires applicants to have their previous qualifications assessed by UAC’s Qualifications Assessment Service. As a possible trap for young players, this Service closes on 23rd May. So ensure you have completed this task as you will not be able to complete your application to USyd without this information.

The end of May is also important for high school students wanting to apply for postgraduate medical programs at UWA and ANU.

UWA uses the 31st May as their key date not only for graduates but also for high performing high school students who seek direct entry to medicine. These students also need to have completed ISAT (by 31st May) or have sat UCAT.

ANU have introduced a new scheme - the Admission, Scholarships and Accommodation scheme. This undergraduate, domestic entrance scheme has a closing date of 31st May. This new scheme, and its associated application deadline, is important to note if your intended pathway to postgraduate medicine at ANU is though an undergraduate ANU degree.

Mid May is key for GAMSAT and MCAT

Applications close for the September GAMSAT sitting this month and applicants who sat GAMSAT in March will receive their results in May (in time for GEMSAS applications).

International graduates need to have sat MCAT by 18th May in order to be eligible for 2020 entry.

And don’t forget CASPer

The CASPer test is used by the University of Wollongong to assess graduate applicants. The CASPer test date is 23rd May.

Meanwhile over at Flinders and Macquarie…

Flinders and Macquarie unlike other graduate medicine programs who are closing applications at the end of May are already progressing interviews. Flinders have a system that enables interviews to be conducted throughout the year and close their graduate applications when places are filled. Graduate interviews take place in May and August (also in December if needed). Likewise Macquarie commence interviews in May for international students (undertaken on Skype or similar platforms) and these continue until October.

And Bond has just started

The Bond medicine program is the shortest of all medicine degrees (being 4 years and 8 months) and so starts the latest, with O-week commencing on the 7th May.

A key undergraduate date in May is 17th - when UCAT closes

UMAT has been replaced by the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT). This test is the predominant entrance assessment used by most undergraduate medicine degrees to determine students who will receive an offer of a place. Registrations for UCAT opened on 1st March and close on 17th May (note the concession scheme closes on 10th May. Access arrangement applications also close on 10th May).

Beware there are some important inconsistencies

Although you might think most universities update their application information at the end of the year, this is not necessarily the case. It’s really only April, when most universities have updated their information, that you can get a sense of what the current year looks like in terms of deadlines. And that’s also the time when some inconsistencies become apparent. This month highlights a number of significant inconsistencies that include:

  • Monash’s information about the UCAT closure date (Monash indicate UCAT closes on the 19th May - when it actually closes on the 17th),

  • the University of Melbourne have two separate selection date documents that have dates throughout the year that are different by 1 day, and

  • University of Wollongong indicates the GEMSAS and portfolio submission opening date as late April when it is early May

  • GAMSAT results issued in late May (whereas the University of Wollongong indicate these result are available in mid May)

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late April and May 2019.


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download deadlines here

Download a copy of the May deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in PDF format. This will enable you to search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.


While the 2019 medicine year is up and running, the medicine application cycle for 2020 is at its most embryonic.


April is the very beginning of the medicine application cycle for 2020 entry

Very early applications

The 3rd April heralds the very early stage of the 2020 application process with the opening of UAC’s application period for undergraduate and international admissions. This same date applies for applications for the Schools Recommendation Scheme, Educational Access Scheme and Equity Scholarships.

The Schools Recommendation Schemes relate to early offers that are made by universities to current Year 12 students for undergraduate admission. The Educational Access Scheme relates to students who’s studies have been negatively impacted during Year 11 or Year 12. The scale of the impact must have been at least 6 months and due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. International students are not able to apply for this Scheme. Equity Scholarships assist students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, particularly those receiving Centrelink payments.

UNSW also open their medicine application portal on this same date (3rd April) to coincide with that of UAC. The medicine application portal commensurately closes on 30th September. UNSW have advised this is the same date as the close of UAC on time applications.

Postgraduate applications

April is also the start of the application period for postgraduate medicine in Australia. UAC open their qualification assessment service on the 1st April. This assists students to determine if they are eligible for tertiary study. Importantly, this service also provides GPA calculations - with this assessment being a required document to be submitted as part of University of Sydney’s medicine application process.

GEMSAS publish their admissions guide on 4th April. The University of Wollongong reports that GEMSAS will open application and portfolio submissions in late April, though, this is not currently indicated by GEMSAS. The University of Sydney also open their application system to international and domestic students around this time (on the 23rd April)

ISAT testing for international students in Brisbane

ISAT testing takes place in Brisbane on the 10th and 11th April. Other ISAT testing locations are Melbourne, Sydney and Perth.

Don’t forget UCAT

The way students are assessed for undergraduate medicine in Australia changes this year with the introduction of UCAT. The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) replaces the UMAT and the benefit of this is it is a 2 hour computer based assessment that is conducted during the month of July (UMAT was previously conducted at a physical location on a single, specific day).

UCAT is used as a key component in assessing undergraduate students for medicine degrees by the following universities:

  • Curtin, Flinders, Monash, University of Adelaide, University of Newcastle/University of New England, UNSW, University of Queensland, UTas, UWA and Western Sydney University.

Bookings for UCAT opened on the 1st March and close on the 17th May so make sure you book and pay within these dates as you will not be able to apply for undergraduate medicine at the above universities if you have not undertaken UCAT. There are also resources available on the UCAT website and these can be found here.

ANU admission changes

There are also important changes to the ANU domestic undergraduate admission process with the introduction of the co-curricular or service requirement. These changes take place this year for students who are wishing to commence at ANU from 2020 and beyond. Applicants need to demonstrate they have 3 out of a possible 7 skills.

The important aspect to note is that domestic undergraduate applications to ANU now also include a separate co-curricular or service submission. Even though medicine at ANU is a postgraduate degree it is important students who wish to progress through an undergraduate degree to ANU postgraduate medicine note this requirement. Applications opened on the 4th March and close on the 31 May.

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late March and April 2019.


Need the information in a more searchable format?

download deadlines here

download deadlines here

Download a copy of the April deadline listing by clicking the image. This will give you the monthly deadline listing in PDF format. This will enable you to search the information to find particular details pertinent to you.



Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand pertinent deadlines for the month. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the appropriate organisation to determine current deadline information.