New medicine students start and prospective ones gear up to apply in 2021 for the 2022 year.


March Interviews

By this time of the medicine application cycle the only Universities still interviewing are Bond with final interviews scheduled on the 2nd, 3rd and 5th March and Flinders, who conduct interviews for Indigenous applicants between 8th and 12th March.

March offers

Bond, being later that other medicine schools, release their Round 1 offers on the 12th March. By late March, Flinders are in a position to make offers to Indigenous applicants.

March deadlines

Applicants who have been successful in securing an offer for Bond have until 16th March to accept First Round offers.


Good luck to all prospective graduate medicine students who are sitting GAMSAT between 17th - 30th March.

What Next and where to from here?

There’s a few things you can do if you would like more information:

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late February and March 2021

Click the image to access this information. Join up as a member under one of these plans- the deadline listing,- basic information package,- comprehensive information package, or- professional/school information package

Click the image to access this information. Join up as a member under one of these plans

- the deadline listing,

- basic information package,

- comprehensive information package, or

- professional/school information package

  1. Access the detailed Deadline Listing

    Compiled from over 70 separate webpage sources the monthly Deadline Listing is a consolidated list of pertinent information about the medical school application cycle - deadlines, when interviews take place, offers and significant events etc. This Listing is colour coded with interviews coded green, deadlines red, significant events starred and offers in orange.

    The detailed monthly Deadline Listing is available by joining one of the membership packages and can be accessed through the Sign Up button below.


2. Find out more information about your options

Questions such as how do I increase my chances to get into medical school, what it’s like to be a medical student, Plan B options if you don’t get into medical school etc. are explored in the FAQ and the AMA section.

This section also links to the AMA (Australian Medical Association) where you can find further information about a career in medicine.

3. Sign Up for the Mailing List (there’s no charge)

Joining the Study Medicine Mailing List will enable you to be notified when there are updates including when new Deadline information is added.




Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university or admissions centre only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university or admissions centre before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand significant admissions deadlines. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the university and relevant admissions centre.