Medical school interviews and offers for 2021 in full spring bloom


October interviews

Most postgraduate interviews (GEMSAS universities) take place between September and October. Deakin interviews for international students start earlier and conclude later (Aug - Nov). Interviews for undergraduate programs commence later than postgraduate, with for example UNSW (rural applicants) and University of Newcastle/University of New England commencing their interviews in October and late October respectively. Applicants can check with the University of Adelaide from the 27th October to determine their interview eligibility.

Late October offers

October signals offers for Indigenous postgraduates from Flinders with offers for other applicants commencing from the 26th. University of Adelaide commence their international offers from mid October.

Late October deadlines

There are a range of hard deadlines from 26th October through to the 31st. The 26th signals the deadline for UQ applications for Indigenous students. Monash have a number of deadlines all occurring on 30th October. By the 31st the University of Newcastle/New England have closed their Indigenous applications and the University of Sydney close applications for international undergraduate study that leads to medicine.

Undergraduate November interviews

Monash interviews for various international cohorts are undertaken in November. By early November applicants for the University of Newcastle/University New England will know their fate in terms of whether they have received an offer to attend an interview. Indigenous interviews have also commenced for applicants to Western Sydney University. Around mid November James Cook, Charles Sturt, University of Newcastle/University of New England and Monash international applicant undergraduate interview processes kick in, with UWA, University of Newcastle/University of New England, University of Adelaide and Western Sydney joining by late November.

Postgraduate November offers

November is the time for postgraduate offers, with the month starting with a bang with offers issued by GEMSAS postgraduate universities (starting early November and extending through to January). The University of Melbourne issues postgraduate offers during early to mid November and these have (for both domestic and international applicants) a short acceptance turnaround time. Deakin offers to international applicants are issued up to 30th November.

Late November deadlines

The end of November signals deadlines for students who want to apply for the Bachelor of Philosophy as a pathway to medicine at ANU. These applicants need to submit application forms by the end of November. At UNSW, the 30th November is the last day for international students not sitting Australian or New Zealand Year 12 examinations to lodge applications with UNSW Admissions. It is also the last day for international applicants to submit their UNSW Medicine Application Form.

Good luck

Good luck to postgrad medicine aspirants for GAMSAT results that will be issued in late November and also for international students sitting ISAT on 21 - 29 November.

What Next and where to from here?

There’s a few things you can do if you would like more information:

Medical Schools in Australia Deadlines for late October and November 2020

Click the image to access this information. Join up as a member under one of these plans- basic information package,- comprehensive information package, or- professional/school information package

Click the image to access this information. Join up as a member under one of these plans

- basic information package,

- comprehensive information package, or

- professional/school information package

The detailed monthly Deadline Listing can be accessed through the Sign Up button below.


Find out more information about your options

Questions such as how do I increase my chances to get into medical school, what it’s like to be a medical student, Plan B options if you don’t get into medical school etc. are explored in the FAQ and the AMA section.

This section also links to the AMA (Australian Medical Association) where you can find further information about a career in medicine.

Sign Up for the Mailing List (there’s no charge)

Joining the Study Medicine Mailing List will enable you to be notified when there are updates including when new Deadline information is added.




Study Medicine information has been compiled from Australian university information sources and therefore is a guide. Authoritative information is provided by the university or admissions centre only. Make sure you obtain information directly from the university or admissions centre before making any decisions. 

The above information is intended to help you understand significant admissions deadlines. Remember, information can always change, so ensure you keep up to date by regularly checking directly with the university and relevant admissions centre.